Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Signs of Intelligent Life

In the midst of the random distribution of toys and clothing and other knick knacks that litter my house, I find an occasional collection that is so un-random so ordered that it may very well indicate signs of intelligent life here in my home! One day while I was tidying up the kids room, I came across the unusual order in the photo below.

Ordered Books

I could tell this was the handiwork of my daughter Kaylie. Roman is rarely interested in ordering anything.


Kaylie however seems to be attracted to symmetrical constructions and order. Books don't self-organize in lines or squares. ... except in my house.

Symmetry with Books

She's also fascinated with nail polish but that's another story ...


So whenever I see something in my home that could not have put itself together, I feel the need to record Kaylie's latest project. I discovered this little gem one morning.

Top Heavy

It's almost as if Kaylie is trying to say something to me. I mean why build this and leave it around? Perhaps she was trying to assess the longevity of such an unstable structure. As you can imagine her Lego skills have improved dramatically of late.

Lego Architecture

When I saw this, I wondered, "when did this happen?" When did she develop a taste for symmetry and color and shape. This piece is much more complex than anything she'd put together before. I know some of you are thinking like, "dude, it's not that big a deal." But for me, this is a delightful surprise. I wasn't expecting any sort of artistry or expression to show itself until they were much older.

Kaylie Again

I think we have ourselves an artist.

1 comment:

two fish said...

Hi!!! so good to see you in blogland :) i'd like to see more pictures of the house please. so sad i didn't get to see you tony.... but next time!! kids are just too too adorable :)