Well, fast forward 6 months into my 3rd pregnancy with a dilemma. I have a wedding to go to tomorrow and realized I forgot to do my nails. Ugh, I was so busy AND way tired that I completely forgot to do my nails. I wouldn't really mind but when your stomach is sticking out WAYYY past your boobs, you'll try to do anything to feel even remotely sexy or womanly. I thought about waking up early and getting it done at the salon but thought it would be a bad idea since the wedding starts at 11 in the morning. Since Roman is going to be ring bearer, we have to get there early too. That would mean I would have to get up by 6, get ready, then go to the nail salon and waste an hour there then come home and wake up the family and get the kids ready. Hmmmm..... nah, it's not gonna happen. Well, it could, only we'd probably miss the wedding altogether. So I think, oh, husband can help. I'm sure he's painted before... It's not rocket science. He's a brilliant man. Let's see. I'll do my nails and he'll do my toes. No problem... Right? Wrong!!
So, I ask my husband, "darling, can you paint my toes, I can't seem to reach them?" He says sure. I ask him "have you ever painted before?" to which he answers, "you mean water colors?" Huh?! To which I say... rather yell, "NO, painted walls!!" He says yes but I used a roller. "Is that the same he asks?" To which I just look at him dumbfounded without a response. Well, at this point, it's either naked toe nails or painted toe nails that look uneven with the colors bleeding onto my skin. I decide painted ugly toe nails are better than nothing.
We position ourselves. Him on the floor, me on a chair leaning back with my foot on one of our children's ottomans. I show him how to do it by doing one pinky toe. Oof, that was hard. I never realized how hard it is to reach forward with a big belly. How do big people paint their toes?
So he starts but before he's able to put the first coat of paint, his positioning is all wrong. He's about to brush from the tip to the cuticle. Hello?! How's he going to paint my toes like that? then his hand and arm is in the air. Hello?! What is he thinking? That's not stable. He'll paint to my toe knuckles like that... I finally realized I'll have to just relax and take what he gives me. Of course, after doing nail #2, he's got nailpolish allllll over my cuticle. I mean I looked like I had toe nails as long as my fingernails. It was not looking pretty. So with remover at hand he takes off the excess and continues. In the end, some toe nails came out a light shade of red while others were the color of blood. It was a little streaky but I figure no one's going to look that close at toes... or do they? Oh wells, I'll just sit a lot and tuck my feet under me. I'll give the old pregnant excuse, I'm just tired.
So, here it is. Tada!! With shoes, you won't even notice that a man who's never painted toes before did my pedicure. :) I realize beggers can't be choosers and I should be grateful that my husband was even willing to give me a pedicure. I love you baby. kiss, kiss.
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